What if?

What if we saw the purpose of life to be? To be fully and present in the moment. To be without expectations, without a plan, an aim or a goal.  What if we were to be, present, here and now?


Can we be with this?


Are we able to allow ourselves to cognize this? Envision this? Accept this?

It is possible. Yes, it is possible.


All too often we focus on the product, the outcome, that which we achieve, forgetting the moments that lead, that guide, that took us there.


The ocean and sand gifted me another message this morning.  The tide was going out as I greeted the sun, the creek and its return to the ocean.  As I walked, I noticed lines, patterns and designs in the sand. Traces left behind from the dance of the sand and water.  These traces were faint and could go unnoticed if one was not looking, not tuned in to the subtleness.  And then there was a deeper groove, it was more pronounced, wider, darker in color that caught my eye. I followed it, tracing its flow with my gaze until I stopped and stood. In awe. In amazement with what I witnessed.


There I saw that which made the track, that whose path it was. This creature, going on about its way, doing what it knows to do. Upon observation, it appeared to be eating, gathering that which was nourishing from the sand, from a grain of sand, from something on the grain of sand. What really struck me was the design, the design placed, made, created by this animal, who was doing what it was doing. Being themselves. Being. Eating. Moving. While leaving a trace of its actions, its being.


It was this trace that caught my eye with awe.


Everyone is on their path and it looks like nothing is happening, being created and then you look back and you see the journey that has been taken, the steps that have been stepped.


This creature is moving so slowly. So slowly. It can look as if it is doing nothing, producing nothing, not adding or contributing. And then you see this and stop, stop and gaze in awe.


Once you see this, you go back and realize it is beautiful all along. And that there has always been doing, always been action, and maybe hasn’t been valued or seen or acknowledged yet you are doing that which you do, which is moving, step, crawl again and again and again.


How many of us are going along, being ourselves, living our lives, doing that which is necessary and only when something is deemed beautiful or worthy does someone stop to take notice and draw attention to? When all along, each step, each action taken contributed to this.


Don’t they see that it isn’t this, it is THIS?  Don’t we see that it is THIS, this which is all encompassing? Inclusive of all. All of the process, not some, not only that which looks good or is value, rather it is ALL. ALL.


That which is valuable is seen by some one way and another by others, reliant on the perception, the judgement. Dependent on the very lens of the experience of that who is watching, that who is noticing, that who is witnessing, that who is observing.


Our lens, how we receive is dependent on our current state, our current understanding, how we make and are making meaning of all that is around us.


It is incredible. Profound. Beautiful.


So simple. There is beauty in all that we do, each step, each gesture, each gaze. It is all of this, inclusive of everything, leaving nothing out. Accepting each and every moment that has brought us here. Each and every moment. For it is a divine play, a gift, a dance magnificently orchestrated. One that continues to give and give and give.


There is no end.


There is no end.


There is no end.


Soaking and basking in this beauty of this,

as this,
