
to wake up, to bring out of sleep

a cause to be active, startle out of inactivity

“Be clear about what we want.”



Create a mind map.


What is it that you want for our children?

What is it that you desire for our children?

What is your vision for our children?

What are your hopes for our children?


To think

To negotiate

To be driven

To be curious

To seek opportunities

To express themselves

To hold

a thought

               a stance


To debate, discuss

To listen

To hear

To question

To understand

To know


What is it that you want for our children?

What is it that you desire for our children?

What is your vision for our children?

What are your hopes for our children?


Ask yourself

Trust yourself


You know




 Children’s learning evolves










What can we do to evolve?

What can we do to move forward?

What can we do to learn from first hand experiences?


  We can be curious, we can be curious about the space around us.

  We can notice.

  We can observe.

  We can reflect.

  We can ask questions.

How do we make sense of it?

Pay close attention inside. 

Listen in.

Respond to cues and signals from the body.

Stay connected.

Be curious.

Ask questions.




to children

as they move freely

in their environment


interact with

their surroundings


through observations

we notice

what they are interested in,

what they are working through,

what they are making sense of

how they share their process with those around them


see them

honor them

meet them

where they are at






meaning making

 A note about using we….

I am a leader. 

I am a teacher.

I am an educator.

I am a facilitator.

I am a wonderer.

I am a provocateur.


I use we to speak to my colleagues and peers who are on a similar path.


To those who are behind closed doors.

To those who feel isolated.

To those who feel alone

To those who feel silenced.

To those who want more.

To those who are ready for change.

We have the power.

We have the choice.

How do we want our future to be? 



Children and adults

we are all learning

moving towards integration


If we have not integrated,

we are either not ready

or in the process


Be in space where the message can be received

Everything in its time

When the seed is ready, it pushes through

One can hear the message, the teaching

it is different to receive the message

to know it

to embody it