She is stunning, isn’t she? She takes my breath away each and every time my eyes gaze upon her. The Auspicious Octopus logo has a beautiful story. To learn more about how she arrived and came into form, check out The Auspicious Octopus or @theauspiciousoctopus. Thank you to Aly @edensoutpost for hearing me, seeing her and brining her here!

Welcome. Thank you for finding your way here. It is a pleasure to share these techniques and mediations with you. The teachings of the Himalayan Yog-Vedantic Tradition were generously passed along to me through my teacher Anand Ji of Sattva Yoga Academy. I am honored to share these techniques, that have transformed my life, here with you.

There is an actual The Auspicious Octopus website that includes these practices and so much more. If you are curious and have a moment, come for a visit or check out @theauspiciousoctopus on Instagram

For each practice, I recommended finding a comfortable seated position, one in which your spine is elongated. Placing a pillow or a cushion under the hips to elevate them above the knees is also encouraged.


In technique we explore inner retention of the breath, holding the breath in at the top of the inhale. This is a stablizing practice, one that is grounding and calms the nervous system.

Music: Peaceful Air, Desert Dwellers Time: 7 minutes 23 seconds

4 Part Breath

This accessible technique explores internal and external breath retention- holding the breath at the top of the inhale and holding the breath out at the bottom of the exhale. This techinque is grounding, centering and calming. It is also expansive as it increases the capacity of our breath.

Music: Firefly Sanctuary, Jalan Jalan Time: 7 minutes 37 seconds

Prakasha: Breath of Light

Prakasha means “inner light.” This technique is engergizing in a cooling way, it is uplifting and elevating. It has a meditative, calming and centering influence, calming heat and firey energy, relieving stress, frustration and anger.

Music: Gentle 1, Ryan Richko Time: 16 minutes 37 seconds

Shukha Shunya

This technique allows us to access Shunya- the field of silence. We practice this technique to bring our body and mind into balance. It calms, cools and stablizes the nervous system, bringing us to stillness.

Music: Heart of Gaia, Ashana Time: 8 minutes 30 seconds

These guided mediations can be done seated or laying down.

So Hum Mediation

This mantra based mediation uses So Hum, I am That, That I am. Mantras have energetic signature and are intended to be chanted with sincerity of the heart.

Music: River Flows in You, Yiruma Time: 32 minutes 1 second

Anchor Yourself with the Breath

Music: Thursday Afternoon, Brian Eno Time: 33 minutes 40 seconds

Breathe Life In

Music: Ambient Space Music Time: 34 minutes 36 seconds

Enliven Your Sense of Self

Music: Calm Space Ambient Music Time: 30 minutes

Let Everything Fade into Nothingness

Music: Owls Such as You, Brambles Time: 5 minutes 40 seconds

Meet Yourself Here

Music: Hazy, Cosmos Time: 7 minutes 10 seconds

Meet Yourself in the Silence of Your Being

Music: Cosmic Resonance Time: 12 minutes 53 seconds

Sattva Global Healing Mediation

This meditation was first recorded by my teacher Anand Ji for a 12 hour continuous global mediation in April 2020. The intention was to come together to access and share a deep level of unity. I did this mediation for a 21 day Sadhana and when I revisited it to record, I was in awe reading the words that I heard months ago that became my vocabulary- fulflllment, resourcefulness, end of seperation, unity.....ripple effects were planted... you'll see once you listen.

Music: Shared from Sattva Yoga Academy Time: 31 minutes 1 second