An Invitation

Writing invites me to find words to express

my self,

my feelings,

my emotions,

my thoughts.


I come to understand myself and the world around me

through writing.

My intent is not to talk to folks or at folks

To tell them what to do or how to think

Rather, I share my story and thoughts as an invitation

to evoke, bring forth, elicit, stimulate and awaken

to connect, to know that

We are all part of the human experience

Sharing our story and experiences is power


“I am I, said I. I am me, said me. I am exactly who I am supposed to be!”

-Eric Hansen from the song “I am I.”

I used to only drink water on Wednesdays….more on that later.

Who am I?* 


I am full of passion.

I am a hugger.

I am real.

I am honest.

I am raw.

I am light.

I am love.

I am me.


*I find myself returning to this question every once and awhile. I find that my response changes over time- always depending on the state of my mind, my connection with the universe and my relationship with myself.