I See A Future for Our Children
I was guided to see the future in a mediation yesterday. The fire was stoked and these words came:
I see a future for our children.
One where they are seen for who they are. Their unique expression, their creative potential and capabilities. Where they held and encouraged, their fertile ground is cultivated and enlivened to express that which wants to express through them as unique individuals.
I see a future for our children.
One where there is space to be free, free being them. Where the who they are is celebrated and cherished. Where their ideas and interests are encouraged and nurtured. Where they are nourished, all of themselves is nourished to be the full expression of who they are.
I see a future for our children.
One where they are accepted for who they are. Where they gather around one another and celebrate their uniqueness, knowing that they each have a role to fulfill, a song to sing.
I see a future for our children.
One where they are held in community, that this common unity is born from their understanding and acceptance of who they are as unique individuals.
I see a future for our children.
One where they are themselves, participating and sharing themselves fully. To offer their gifts to the world while simultaneously creating their world with their active participation and response.
I see a future for our children.
Once where they swirl and dance. They connect with nature and one another through their own innate gifts. Where their ideas are encouraged and their expression is honored.
I see a future for our children.
One where adults follow their lead, trusting their innate capacities and knowing. Where they are valued and accepted for their own experiences and are encouraged to live the life they are meant to live.
I see a future for our children.
One where they work together in harmony, each playing their own part, fulfilling their own unique role, the role that they are here to play.
I see a future for our children.
One where they are themselves, that being themselves is the greatest gift. The greatest gift they can offer the world is to be themselves wholly and honestly, expressing as themselves.
I see a future for our children.
One where there is an acceptance for their unique gifts and expression of that. One which highlights and calls out their differences, while simultaneously acknowledges that interconnectedness of us all.
I see a future for our children.
One that acknowledges that we depend on and rely on one another to fulfill and play their part. That their call in life is to be themselves, the unique, divine expression that is them, that no one else can do or be or fulfill. For that is why they are here.
I see a future for our children.
One where they are held and seen with a gaze of love and acceptance. Celebration and delight. Gratitude and trust. Honoring that which they would like to share with the world, their perspective, their expression.
I see a future for our children.
One where they are seen as full, whole, complete individuals. Where they are accepted for their innate gifts that they carry.
I see a future for our children.
One where they are fearless in their learning and their desire to meet the unkown.
I see a future for our children.
One where they access their internal nature, driven by what they know inside rather than told by the external.
I see a future for our children.
One where they are encouraged to listen to the messages arising in their body, to be in tune and aligned with their own bodies, where they can regulate and adapt to environments rather than being controlled and managed by external sources, plans and systems.
I see a future for our children.
One where their curiosity kindles their passion to know more and engage with the world around them.
I see a future for children.
One where their natural curiosity is deeply connected to their internal motivation to know more about the world around them.
I see a future for our children.
One where their curiosity and motivation inspire them to learn.
I see a future for our children.
One where they are undeterred by mistakes and failures, for those are markers that they are growing.
I see a future for our children.
One where they leave traces of their learning and these traces guide their growth.
I see a future for our children.
One where they know that learning and growing involves fluctuations and perseverance, commitment and strength, volition and will.
I see a future for our children.
One where they know that when they fall, the getting back up and stepping forward is what is important.
I see a future for our children.
One where their imaginations are free.
I see a future for our children.
One where they know that the journey of life is to learn, to grow and evolve. That every step they take is the right step for they cannot get this life wrong. For they are life itself.
I see a future for our children.
One where they make sense of the world around them through exploration and their learning is their doing.
I see a future for our children.
One where they are wild and free, rather than stifled and conditioned.
I see a future for our children.
One where they are themselves and follow their hearts rather than being shuffled through a system that is designed to deter them from themselves.
I see a future for our children.
One where they know that they only thing they are to do, is to be themselves. Wholeheartly living fully, being themselves.
Yes, I envision all of this for our children.
A space where their unique expression is honored, cultivated and nourished. Where their potential is activated and the seeds tended to, so they rise and express in the way they are meant to contribute and participate in this world.
And so it is.
Wilson Snake River was with me for this, his presence guiding my way on.