Today is the Day!
Today is the day.
Today, Tuesday April 21, 2020, is the day that I am sharing my words in a larger capacity. (as I type, thunder booms!)
You may ask, “Why today?”
In short, I have been hearing the voice within, encouraging me to share my writing, my voice, my experiences. I used to not listen to this voice, I used to override this inner voice, pretending it was not there, ignoring it or most often, not even being slow and quiet enough to hear it in the first place. Now that I have a practice of turning inward and accessing silence, I am responding to the call for me to share.
For the time is NOW.
When you get the call. You respond to the call.
No hesitation. No questions asked.
April is the 4th month. This Tuesday is the 21st day. (As I typed, lightening appeared in the sky and my beloved niece opened her eyes from a nap next to me and said, “ooooohh, cool.”) The year is 2020.
4+2+1= 7 which is a number that resonates with me, it has for some time
7+4=11 which is a double number, it is also a master number.
Tuesday is also Hanuman’s day. I have deep reverence and respect for Hanuman.
Hanuman took a leap.
Today, I am taking a leap.
In regards to putting myself out there like this, I shared a story at the Cabin Fever Story Slam, hosting by Teton County Library, in Jackson WY in November 2018. I was not planning to share a story when I arrived. A few days earlier I had attended a Storyteller’s workshop that I Library hosted, I chose to attend the story slam to get an idea of what it was like.
Sitting with my friend in the audience, I listened. One story I heard reminded me of an experience in my life and I thought, I have a story to share. It was intermission and I walked up to the stage and placed my name in a bucket. Folks continued to share stories and then my name was pulled. My name was pulled! I had a story to tell, I had thought about it briefly, I hadn’t really anticipated my name being pulled, hadn’t thought through to the opportunity to share my story. And there the words were, hanging in the air over the audience. My name called.
Just like that, I was on the stage. I stood with my back to everyone and did some serious self talk, drowning out the self doubt saying internally, “You’ve got this!” I turned around, took a deep breath and began. My legs were shaking, my voice was shaking and then it all stopped. I was sharing. I got in to the flow. You know, that space when you are not even thinking about it and it is happening and you are doing it? It all happens simultaneously, its only after that you grasp what happened. The words flowed out to everyone. Being there. Sharing my story. In the flow. It was beautiful.
On the stage at the Pink Garter Theatre for Teton County Library’s Cabin Fever Story Slam. November 2017
That is the thing with the unknown, the anticipation is much greater. It is always much greater. We know then known. In knowing the known, we feel safe. In knowing the known, we feel comfortable. Then we are called to step out, to step in to the unknown. We can think. We can hesitate. We can ignore. Or we can step.
I choose to take the step.
In and with love and light,