Our words, what we give value to, shapes our perceptions
Everything is as it is meant to be.
It is our misperceptions, what we have given value to that brings us to think otherwise.
Perfect. As it is meant to be. Happening for me. Right, here. Right, now. In this very moment.
Perfect meaning there is no other way for it to be. Perfect. Enough.
I am perfect.
I am enough.
I am as I am meant to be.
This moment is perfect.
This moment is enough.
This moment is as it is meant to be.
All arises as it is meant to. For me. For you. For us.
We give value to what we think is beautiful, terrible, heartbreaking based on our perceptions, based on our awareness state, based on our experience.
Take a day for example.
A day is a day.
That is what it is, a day.
It is a day that is offered for us.
It is offered for us to be here.
Offered for us to be present.
Offered for us to interact.
Offered for us to learn.
Offered for us to grow.
Some perceive a day with clouds and snow falling from them as a beautiful day. Some perceive a dark day with a thunderstorm and a comfortable place to sit as a beautiful day. Some perceive a warm day, with a blue sky as a beautiful day.
What we each see as beautiful is from our experience, our perception, our awareness state. It is dependent on what we give value to.
We can look at moments in the same way.
A moment is a moment.
That is what it is a moment.
It is a moment that is offered for us.
It is offered for us to be here.
Offered for us to be present.
Offered for us to interact.
Offered for us to learn.
Offered for us to grow.
Some perceive a moment, embracing someone else as beautiful. Someone else may see someone crying as a beautiful moment. Someone else may see a child eating a meal on the side of a road as a beautiful moment.
We see things through our lens of perception, through our awareness state.
When something happens, say an interaction with someone, we have an experience. How we perceive this experience is determined by what we place value on, how we perceive the event is how we define it. How we perceive this moment is reliant our awareness state. We can see ourselves as a victim, seeing things happening to us, by someone else, experiencing things outside of our control. From this place, we may feel helpless. We may feel confused, angry, annoyed, justified. We can see ourselves as a learner, as curious, seeing things happening for us, seeing this experience as an opportunity. We may feel grateful, delighted, charmed, enlivened.
Every moment, every day, every experience is exactly as it is meant to be.
The only thing that is different is what we place the value on and what we place value on really begins to define our story, the lens from which we see.
I have always found value with the power of the word, the power that the words we choose to use, the words we choose to share, the words that come from our mouths from our minds and within our minds are powerful. They have the power to shift, shape, stipulate.
I do my best, choosing to be mindful of my words and my choice on to how to say, convey and deliver my words. For they have value and they begin to frame how we see things. Words have the power to reflect our perceptions, or view, or inner state.
I have looked in the mirror, feeling great and wonderful and most of the time, I see a wonderful being looking back at me and my thoughts are kind and compassionate.
I have looked in the mirror and have felt sad and sunken and angry and some of the time, that is what I see looking back at me. Violent words, words that hurt, words that are so harsh, I would not speak them to anyone else, often accompany the gaze.
Less often.
I say less often, because I am noticing a change. I have looked in the mirror and seen myself, distraught, confused, humbled and confident simultaneously… I have taken a picture of myself when I am caught in a snare as a reminder that I do not want to look that way again. In the picture there is pain, there is love, there is reverence. In that pain there is strength, in that pain there is humility. It is not one or another. It is all. It is whole. It is enough. It is as it is meant to be.
For life reflects your consciousness state, so when I am feeling uplifted and grateful then I see signs of beauty and connectedness all around me.
When I am are feeling alone or apart I often only see that.
I have been thinking, yeah, I have been thinking. I have been in my head, I have been in my head, telling myself, this is not my home, this is my sister’s home, and when I am with my folks I am in their home and I haven’t been in my own home for almost a year now- these are the stories that I find myself telling my self.
The other day I was cutting strawberries and I pulled some sugar out of the cabinet to put on top of the strawberries and my niece says to me, “that’s our sugar, it’s not your sugar. It’s our sugar, we use to make our pancakes.”
There it was being reflected right back at me.
I responded, “Yeah, it is sugar. It is sugar for us to use. Thank you for sharing it with me.”
Her perspective is an interesting one, I immediately went to a place of ownership, what is owned, who owns what, what is mine, what is yours.
Then, you know what I noticed?
I am sending out this energy, these messages of feeling apart, saying, “I am in their home…”
Those words, “I am in THEIR home,” sets me apart, rather than saying, “I am with family.” “I am home.”
These are the things that are arising for me…
And I am grateful, so, so grateful for the opportunity to see. Grateful to observe what is being reflected back to me.
In love, light, gratitude, reverence and courage,