The Keeper of the Cords
I have been finding myself unraveling. Unraveling cords and lines that have become tangled, a gathered mass of twists and knots. And this now, has happened two days in a row before 7 am.
It first occurred to me while riding in the train into NYC. I had bunch of string and yarn that I have been using with children and it has become a huge ball. I searched for one end, one open end of a piece of string and slowly, slowly started working with it. Pulling it out from under another piece, unwrapping it from around another piece, pulling in looser and looser from the mass. At times I would push it through a hole or a space in between. On and on it went like this. At times I encountered a tangle, a knot that could not be undone and it was then, when I pulled out the scissors and cut it. I cut it as close to the mass as was possible.
This morning, a similar process occurred when I needed to plug in my computer to access Sri Jyoti Star, the program I use to read charts. I have recently made a commitment to myself to dive into the study of Jyotish, to revisit my notes and listen again to the lectures. The computer cord was next to a pile of cords which are usually tucked away in a Elmer the Elephant bag that I got in San Francisco many moons ago. Somehow or another, this Elmer bag has become the keeper of the cords (oh my gosh- I know now why I am writing this). As I pulled out the bag, I sat and again untangled the wires and cords that had become tangled and twisted around one another.
Elmer. Elmer is a character in a children’s book. He is a patchwork elephant who lives among elephants who are grey in color. Elmer. An elephant. The keeper of the cords. Ganesha, with an elephant head, the remover of obstacles. The deity associated with Brihaspati, whom we know as Jupiter. In Jyotish, Brihaspati is a graha. Grahas are keepers of energy, they are the ones that hold, that contain, that keep the grip. And Ganesha is one who is the remover of obstacles.
Elephant, cords, keepers of energy. Untangling. Unraveling. Undoing.
Yes. Yes. Yes. This all makes sense. Not that it needs to make sense or be known, it more of a giddy delight to see the connection, the relationships of that which is currently swirling around me.
Welcoming this untangling, undoing. Releasing the bound, tight, tense energy that is held and opening up, allowing it to move freely.
Yes please. Yes please. Yes please.
Jai Ganesha.