When I Judge Myself
This piece began as an email to a dear friend… I felt called to share pieces of it here as well as expand on it.
Stuff for me has been churned up since last week. Looking back I can place the moment, it was an email that I read from a couples therapist from three years ago. Well, since I am being honest, October is a big month for me, in regards to reflections since the past three years have been full of change, so I think, as I ponder, that this month, the actual turning of the calendar from September to October has me feeling heavy. I have really been noticing this heaviness, as the past few days I have been resisting my practice. Yesterday was a real shift for me, I returned to the warmth of my bed after getting up to use the bathroom, to read the book The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating, while listening to the rain fall from the sky. This is a huge shift as my mornings, for almost a year now, begin with puja and meditation. I’ve noticed, since October began, the mediation piece of my practice, has been coming later in the day. Yesterday, for the first day in I cannot recall how long, I did not do any of my practices. Today I didn’t either. There is a piece of me that is softening in, accepting and giving permission for that. There is the other, older part of me that has a grip, the voice in my mind that says I am not committed, I am making excuses, and that I do not deserve. Really though, I am tired- not physically, rather mentally and energetically.
Shifts are upon me. It is autumn, time to harvest what I have sowed. Time to shed that which is no longer serving me, what is no longer needed, shedding what is holding me back from being me.
Messages come to us in the oddest of ways, or ways that we can resist at first. I have received so many messages in recent years that have led me here, that I could have not imagined, not planned, not cultivated on my own. Here is an example of trust that arose for me yesterday. **** See below****
I have been slowly shifting things from WY to NJ, things that are important in this world we live in, that are not of importance to me. Since I find little value to them, they feel like extra work, not something that I am pulled to. It is that and it is more that I do not understand the linearness of the world, the logistical aspects. So yesterday when I began transferring money from one bank account to the other and it didn't work, each of the three times I tried, I was annoyed. I was irritated. I was finding fault in the banks for being closed on the "day that I had been given off" from work. Okay, not today, I thought. I'll work on it another day. I got into the car to drive to the bank to deposit a check, thinking, once this check is deposited, I can use this money to pay for the car insurance today. When I put the check into the ATM, a message on the screen said the funds would not be available until Wednesday. Receiving this news heightened my anger. In my mind, it was important to set up bill pay with my new bank account, shifting things from WY to NJ, and without having money in my new bank account, I was not going to be able to complete that "step of the process" that I had planned in my mind. This grip of being irritated, annoyed and frustrated by things not going my way stayed with me in the car ride to the insurance office. I attempted to breathe, I attempted to notice my surroundings, the colors of the leaves, the wet road, the falling leaves.... I was still gripped, still held by this, "things are not going my way." I arrived at the insurance office, after being greeted and welcomed, the agent shared, "you will not need to make a payment today, since you are transferring from WY and your payment there is larger than here, so you will probably, actually be getting a refund this month."
Ease traveled through my body, along with a slight giggle. It all made sense, what was not making sense to me before, what I was holding on to, my plan, was not needed, it was not necessary. The universe had a different plan, the universe had a different way for things to play out and instead of softening in and realizing that I was meant to not be in control, to not be so rigidly holding on to the way it was, the way I wanted it to be. Here, in the office, I softened. I softened in. I relaxed. Yes, I am held. Yes, I can trust. Yes, I can surrender control.
As my time in the office with the insurance agent continued, I commented on the view she had from a huge window. She shared a story with me that had me smiling ever wider. The week prior, toward the end of the day, she was alone in the office, at her desk and heard a screaming sound outside. She was not able to see the ground from her chair, so she stood and walked around her computer. There, she noticed a squirrel with its back against the glass screaming. This continued for a few minutes before the squirrel ran off. Minutes later, while in her car leaving, she saw a fox cross the road. She wondered to herself and then again to me, could it be that the squirrel was screaming in response to the fox. That the fox saw the squirrel and the squirrel felt stuck, felt its life threatened and screamed for its life.
Smiling, I was able to see myself as the squirrel, feeling stuck, feeling out of control, feeling like my back was up against a wall. Going about my life and feeling threatened by things not going the way I wanted them to, the way I planned it to be, the way I expected it to be. Life, happening in the way that I did not want it, was the fox. The squirrel was the victim, the fox was the villain. I was the victim. Life, was the villain. When I learned that I did not need to pay and I softened, as the squirrel went on its way and so did the fox. As it was meant to be.
It is so easy to get drawn into the drama triangle, the victim, villain, hero dynamic. The world is out to get me, The world is against me. I find myself there, here, sucked in, drawn in, ensnared, held. The time there, the time here, varies. I have choices. I can choose to remain there, in the place of feeling stuck, held, trapped, with my back up against the wall or I can choose to see things in a different light, from a different perspective. Things are happening for me, rather than things are happening to me.
Looking back, I could not have not imagined, dreamed how life would continue to unfold for me as it has, so gracefully these past three years.
This stone wall, with its many layers, captivates me. The wall I have built around me, to isolate, to remove, to protect has many, many layers. Some of which I am working through now.
We are the path, the path is us. You are your path, your path is you. I am my path, my path is me. Ganesha teaches us there are no obstacles on the path, the boulders, the dirt parts, the paved smoothed parts, the roots, the slick parts, the up, the down, they are all a part of the path, they are there for us. For us to see, for us to grow, for us to evolve. The only obstacle is our own selves, the perceived thoughts, the limited constructs of the mind. Step out of your way.
Holding myself in love and compassion, for this all that is arising is happening for me to see, to see the opportunities to transform, to release and to grow.
Surrender. Soften. Trust.
Loving you,
****I am feeling the need to write a brief disclaimer here. These are words that flow through me. I am not aloof, nor am I coming from a place full of privilege. Yes, I have the ability to be able to move from one state to another. Yes, I have some money in my back account to transfer and yes, I had a check to deposit. Yes, I had a day “off” on Native People’s Day, Indigenous People’s Day to be able to get a few logistical living things done – like getting insurance and going to the bank. I am not annoyed that the bank is closed to honor this day, to honor the people who were here longer before me, before us. It is not that these things, meaning money and insurance, are not of value to me, I see and recognize the importance of them in the larger scheme of the world. I do not place the same value on them as others do, and in these times, in these current times, I am really seeing how differently we all view the world. I am sharing these moments from my life, because they are real, they are real to me, they are real experience, my own perspective. To me, it is important to be real. It is important to be honest. It is important to be me. It is so easy to judge. It is easy to pass judgment, to have comments arise in your mind, unkind thoughts against the other. If these comments are arising in you, I ask you to ponder why? What is it about my life that is stirring up the muck in yours? What opportunity is arising for you to see, what is being brought to light? For the violence in your mind, that is arising towards me, is actually directed towards you, it is about you, not me. It is easy to deflect, to push your thoughts on to me, for it to be about me and not you. So I invite you to notice what arises within you when you read these words, word that are raw and vulnerable and honest that flow from me. Just as I am being defensive now in writing and rereading this, anticipating that you will or are judging me, rather than hearing me and seeing me.. This violence that I hold towards myself, has no thing to do with you. It has everything to do with where I am at, my current state in my mind.