Showing Up
When do we show up?
How do we show up?
These questions have been arising for me.
When do I show up?
How do I show up?
What does it mean to show up?
To me, showing up is being me. Wholly being me in a moment. Being present with what is arising, with what is here, in the moment.
Showing up can be speaking up.
Showing up can be silent.
Showing up can be a hug.
Showing up can be sitting next to someone.
Showing up can be nodding.
Showing up can be taking a deep breath.
Showing up can be picking up the phone even when you do not know what to say.
Can you locate where I show up in this photo taken at a chai stand in the Swarg Ashram area of Rishikesh?
For me, showing up has been all of these things. It is also doing what needs to be done. Showing up is getting done what needs to be done even when you do not have the strength, when you do not think you have the strength, when you are tired, when you want to rest, when you are exhausted.
Simultaneously showing up is being still, it is stopping when a rest or break is needed. It is taking a breath. It is asking for help. Showing up is saying “No.”
Showing up is hearing what someone has to say, even when you do not want to listen. Showing up is listening when you do not want to hear what is being said and speaking up because you do not agree. Showing up is being here even when you want to run away and hide.
Looking back, I can see how I showed up for myself without even thinking about it, without even having an awareness I was showing up. I was simply doing what life asked of me. I was simply being me.
Inviting you to explore what arises when you ask yourself these questions:
How do you show up? When do you show up?
How have folks shown up for you? When have folks shown up for you?
Showing up for me. Showing up for you.