Rituals and Routines... shifting to “I get to,” rather than “I have to.”
In India I had rituals. In India I had time.
Here, I am noticing that while I am doing the same, in some instances, it feels more like a routine. I still have time.
The idea of ritual and routine continues to arise. So what is it?
What is the difference between a ritual and a routine?
Which do I want to experience and embody?
A routine feels more like a “have to,” something that has to get done, or something that gets done because it is done daily or multiple times during the day. A routine feels like something that is done, like going through the motions, something that you do so often, it does not require you to be totally present.
A ritual is more like an act of devotion, a sense of gratefulness for what I am doing, a sense of presence, something that “I get to” experience.
In the sense that a routine can feel like a “have to,” a routine can feel like it is not a choice. Maybe the word that suits me better is option. Meaning, an option is more of a possibility, a course of action. I have options. I choose from options and from this place of options, many possibilities can arise. If I choose to not act, that too is a choice.
Om, found on a wall at Chaurasi Kutia, the Ashram of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Also knows as the Beatles Ashram, where they studied Transcendental Meditation with him.
A few recent experiences bubble up that I would like to share with you.
For those of you who know me, you know that I often make sounds when I eat. Pausing from chewing to say, “mmmmmm,” or “yes, please,” “ yum,” or “oh wow.” I found myself pleasantly surprised to catch myself doing just that while eating my breakfast the other day. The sound would emerge from within often when I was in India, since being here in the US, I have noticed a few delicious bites of food that delighted my mouth- my dad’s sticky bun, a chunk of cheddar cheese, sautéed spinach, a chocolate chip, a piece of Italian bread soaked in red wine vinegar with a piece of iceberg lettuce. This breakfast was one that I had cooked, prepared and sang my song to before I took a bite and wow, what a bite it was! So delicious, I said out loud, “mmmmmm.”
Last week, a beloved friend Jeanette, shared a story with me about a time she was in India, eating a meal with someone who after every bite, said “mmmm.” She offered me this, “what if the “mmmmmm” is like the “ommmmm?” When people taste food and it is good they do a “mmmmmm,” but really maybe they are “oming.” Maybe it is the same, natural sound, that which connects us.” Those words sat with me and I sent her a WhatsApp message to her later in the day to share my experience over breakfast. This is her response:
Gratitude. Yes. I see. It’s almost as if I was taking for granted what I was eating, not acknowledging the gift that I could taste or the gratitude that I had food. I was eating to eat, not eating to be in joy, to derive pleasure from the act of eating. From that perspective, I see how eating, not only my blessing, the song I sing to my food, the actual act of eating can move from a routine to a ritual.
I embrace gratitude and I also notice this idea of routine creeping into other aspects in my life. At the end of a long day, when I want to crawl in to bed without doing my evening practice, or in the morning when I want to stay in bed and not do my morning practice. Now that I am here, in this space of reflecting and typing many other opportunities are arising when I have asked or felt, “do I have to?” I have been really good in the past of coming up with excuses as to why I did not do something or get something done.
Moving forward, I am opting to slow down, to move slowly, slowly, in my daily interactions, cherishing the things I get to do rather than loathing what I have to do.
Opting to be in joy, to live in and from a place of joy. I invite you to so the same. HUGE HUGS!
In light and with love,