Resistance and Receptivity
Today, this morning in practice, this came to me: resistance and receptivity are actually the same. We get in our own way; we get in our own ways and we resist. We resist being open, we resist being receptive. So receptivity and resistance are of the same. They are connected, one is not without the other.
It is like a rope that is being pulled in two directions. Like a scale. When we resist we are not open. When we are open there is no resistance.
Do you see the beauty in this? We are so conditioned to see everything as separate, as separate expressions, as individual pieces and parts. Here, now, I am seeing that they are the same. They are of the same expression, of the same part. They are connected.
Iām smiling as I realize Ganesha is smiling with me. Ganesha, the one who is the remover of obstacles through wisdom. The one who removes the obstacles, the obstacles that we often place on ourselves. The obstacles that limit us, the obstacles that are the narrow view of ourselves. The obstacles that bind.
Ganesha is also expansion. Ganesha is also generosity. Expanding beyond our limited view. Expanding beyond the known. Expanding beyond the stories we have placed on ourselves. Expanding beyond the self-doubt. Expanding beyond the violence of our minds. Generosity that is always here. This grace that is always here, giving, sharing, offering.
This is profound. Ganesha, remover of the obstacles to access the expansion. Ganesha, generosity. Ganesha the one who gives, so gently, with such grace.
Resistance is fear. Resistance is rigidity. Resistance is holding on to the ever repeating known.
Receptivity is open. Receptivity is trust. Receptivity is surrender.
What are we fighting? What are we resisting? What are we clinging to? What are we holding on to? What are we afraid of? What is holding us back?
When are you open? When do you receive? How do you trust?
We need something to end when we are trapped. What if instead of feeling trapped and restrained, we surrender and accept? Rather than resist we receive.
Whatever that arises is arising for you. Allow it to arise. Acknowledge it. Let it pass on through.
Drop all that is no longer serving you. Let it all go.
Inviting you to expand. To step into the unknown. To surrender. To trust. To receive.
Loving you always. In all ways,