Biology of Belief
This was written on November 18, 2019 a few days before I began my teacher training at Sattva.
Biology of Belief is a book that I was asked to read before my 200 hour teacher training. I had heard of Dr. Bruce Lipton for the past two years and only recently, in October, heard him speak on a Hay House Live Health Summit. I was drawn in to his messages and was curious to learn more.
I started the book a few days ago. While the concepts can seem difficult to grasp, he has a way of explaining them with words, images and metaphors that resonated with me. I gained a deeper understanding of cells and how they work. I am most intrigued by their drive to come together and ability to work together in an efficient manner. The sense of community is what struck me, cells coming together to divide tasks and share responsibility.
That and the quantum physics. That we are all inextricably connected, which I have been saying, so it is a concept I am grasping and making sense of. I am reminded of Anandji’s satsangs or wisdom talks and my own inner knowing, or IN HER Wisdom as I have been saying to myself. That divine guidance and knowing is within. I have hints of it, that energy sensing communication system that is there, waiting to be used and accessed on a more frequent level. I strive to live from my heart, from that place of inner, IN HER knowing, rather than relying on my 5 senses to communicate.
Dr. Litpon expands on Albert Einstein’s theory of energy and shares that thoughts are the mind’s energy. He elaborates on the conscious and subconscious mind, sharing that the conscious mind operates about 5% of the time and the rest, the other 95% of the time, it is our subconscious mind that is “running the show.”
He shares more:
Conscious Mind
Seat of personal identity, source, spirit
Can “see” the future, review the past and disconnect from the present
Holds wishes, desires and aspirations
Comes up with “thoughts”
Subconscious Mind
Stimulus response tapes
Instinct and learned experiences
Same response over and over
“Your belief carries more power than your reality.”
“To fully thrive, we must not only eliminate the stressors but also actively seek joyful, loving, fulfilling lives that simulate growth process.”
“We are architects of our own experience. Our subjective experience carries more power than our objective situations.” Our subjective experiences are our perceptions and beliefs and our objective experience is our reality.
Hearing Bruce LIpton for the first time, after work one night in October.
I have long believed in various healing modalities- I started receiving acupuncture to remove energy blocks and increase the flow of energy in my body my second year in NYC at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. I practiced qigong to move energy through and along my meridians, I’ve worked with homeopathic supplements, tinctures and essential oils. I have taken a mindfulness course, putting those teachings into my day to day life and within the past five years I have deepened my yoga practice to breathe and get in to my body to understand it better. I met Sallie in 2000, she was my therapist who become known to folks as Sallie or my Sallie; the seeds she planted within my fertile mind, seeds of self compassion, self love and acceptance continue to sprout now, almost two decades later. Through experience I have learned that I can slow down, tune in and observe my thoughts to understand patterns and to respond rather than react.
As a result of some big life events that have occurred in the past two years, I have been presented with opportunities to see that I have taken on other people’s perceptions of me. I actually acquired and internalized their perceptions of me and made their beliefs about my ‘truths.’ ICK. This is difficult to type. I write about this often in my journal and I have that known truth feeling in my belly about this, and to share it and put it out there, I am really acknowledging it. It is an icky feeling, one that stirs up the muck in my stomach. From a brain or head stand point; I understand this. From a body or subconscious mind, I have deep, deep work to do to excavate and unearth these false truths, to let them see the light and to transcend them since they are no longer, actually have never been mine. I acquired these false narratives, I assumed the story and played the part. No longer. In fact, this afternoon while walking to the TAT Café to read on a balcony overlooking the powerful Ma Ganga, I saw a young man wearing a shirt that read:
I am not scared of my strength!
Which is aligned with the wisdom card from Anandji’s Got it or Not deck I pulled this morning.
Mastering others is a strength
Mastering yourself is true power.
Always learning, growing and evolving.
Owning and standing in my strength,